United for Infrastructure - Lead with Infrastructure: What the IIJA Means for America
Overview from the Event Page:
Congress might be moving on from infrastructure, but for the rest of America the work is just beginning. What's in the bipartisan infrastructure bill? How will it impact my community? When can I expect funds to be available?
On Wednesday, November 17th we'll be digging into what the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Acts means for America. As the first in a series of deep dives into the IIJA, we'll start with the big picture implications of the bill featuring:
• The Honorable Michael Hancock, Mayor, Denver
Panel Conversation:
• Emily Feenstra, Managing Director for Government Relations and Infrastructure Initiatives, American Society of Civil Engineers
• Ed Mortimer, Vice President for Transportation Infrastructure, The U.S. Chamber of Commerce
• Matt Sonnesyn, Vice President for Infrastructure, Energy & Environment, Business Roundtable
Time: Nov 17, 2021 12:00 PM in Eastern Time (US and Canada)

United for Infrastructure - What the IIJA Means for the Water Sector
Overview from the Event Page:
While transportation funding has gotten more attention, the bipartisan infrastructure bill makes a historic investment in America's water infrastructure. To help us break down what that means for cities, utilities, and our communities we're hosting a webinar featuring:
• Scott Berry, Director of Policy and Government Affairs, U.S. Water Alliance
• Carolyn Berndt, Legislative Director for Sustainability, National League of Cities
• Albert Cho, Senior Vice President, Chief Strategy & Digital Officer, Xylem
Keynote to be announced soon!
Time: Dec 1, 2021 12:00 PM in Eastern Time (US and Canada)